SMEC’s team in Indonesia will help to supply Semarang City with clean water.
Access to clean water is not a given in many parts of the world. In Semarang, the capital of Central Java in Indonesia, only 62% of households have access to drinking water.
SMEC, a member of the Surbana Jurong Group recognised as one of the top water engineering consultants in Asia, will advise the capital city in a project to enhance the delivery of clean water there. When completed, the project is expected to supply clean water to 60,000 to 70,000 more households.
SMEC will take on a technical advisory role in this public private partnership (PPP) contract through PT Sarana Multi Infrastructure and the regional government of Semarang. This water supply project will also aim to eradicate water-borne diseases and relieve land subsidence issues caused by excessive groundwater retrieval by unsolicited wells.
SMEC’s project scope includes conducting technical due diligence, updating technical feasibility analysis, developing the preliminary basic design, as well as working together with legal and financial advisors to assess the feasibility and bankability of the project.
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