SMEC has been engaged by VicRoads to prepare the Concept and Detailed Engineering Design for the Streamlining Hoddle Street Project.
The project is the first stage of the Victorian Government’s planned transformation of Hoddle Street, which aims to improve the journey along and across Hoddle Street for all road users and introduce innovative intelligent transport systems and urban design initiatives along one of Melbourne’s busiest arterial roads.
As part of this pioneering approach, SMEC will lead its project partners Advisian, Nation Partners and BECA to deliver Australia’s first Continuous Flow Intersection (CFI) at the Hoddle Street and Swan Street intersection. CFIs eliminate left and right turns at main junctions, and instead have dedicated turning lanes that redirect turning traffic prior to reaching the main intersection.
SMEC’s scope of works includes: intersection design at Eastern Freeway, Johnston Street, Brunton Avenue and Swan Street; transport modelling; urban design; Intelligent Transport System (ITS) design; and stakeholder agreement.
The project is expected to result in improved travel times and reliability for all transport modes and improved safety along Hoddle Street.