Surbana Jurong’s Fire Safety Consultancy customises fire safety solutions for a complex urban landscape, through fire engineering, advanced modelling and computational tools.
Future-Proofing Buildings Against Fire
Fire safety plays an integral role in a constantly evolving built environment where buildings and infrastructure become increasingly complex and sophisticated. For instance, in Singapore, there are more large-scale integrated mixed-use developments, deep underground infrastructure, rail and road tunnel networks being developed to meet nation-building needs and optimise land use. Regulatory changes in fire safety legislation also requires building owners and developers to respond to the changes with timeliness.
Surbana Jurong’s newly formed Fire Safety Consultancy is well placed to customise fire safety solutions for such a complex urban landscape, through fire engineering, advanced modelling and computational tools. This unit will also help building owners and developers strengthen their regulatory compliance of buildings. It will help identify and address fire safety risks at the early design stages of the development, while balancing the costs of implementing the fire safety measures.
Leading the consultancy is fire safety veteran, Christopher Tan, who was the former Senior Assistant Commissioner and Director of Fire Safety and Shelter Department of the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF). He has over three decades of experience in fire safety governance and design, emergency planning and incident command. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Building and a Master in Fire Safety Engineering. He is the current President of the Singapore Institution of Fire Engineers and an elected Fellow.
The Fire Safety Consultancy aims to partner all building owners and developers and contribute towards a sustainable, fire-safe and secure built environment.