JTC Poultry Processing Hub

JTC Poultry Processing Hub is the first one-stop poultry processing hub in Singapore designed to house the poultry slaughtering and processing establishments.

The 8-storey multi-tenanted and ramp-up factory in Buroh features shared resources to achieve higher productivity through scale and automation. Catering to the entire poultry processing chain from live poultry delivery, slaughtering, processing, packaging and distribution of the processed goods, the building comprises automated poultry slaughtering lines, cold room amenities and modular food processing units on the upper storeys.

The design of the building improves efficiency of the transportation of raw ingredients throughout the facility, while ensuring proper sanitised and cooled environments are provided, hence preserving the freshness of poultry. Close consultations were also held with the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore to ensure that stringent health and hygiene requirements were met, and security and outbreak control provisions were in place.

The building features shared resources to achieve higher productivity through scale and automation. Industrial land for production is optimised through the condensed utilisation of space for common facilities shared by multiple tenants. Consolidated waste processing and collection facilities also allows poultry waste to be converted into reusable ingredients, reducing waste and improving sustainability.

In recognition of its multiple sustainable features, the building was accorded the BCA Green Mark Platinum rating. Besides the use of sustainable building construction materials, the building is equipped with high-efficiency chillers and systems, energy-efficient lightings, energy-saving sensors at common areas and water-efficient fittings to optimise energy and water consumption.

First one-stop poultry processing hub
in Singapore


Architecture, Engineering & Specialist Services, Quantity Surveying & Cost Management, Sustainability, Landscape Architecture