Maintenance Repair Operations Optimisation Programme

We were awarded a contract by an independent oil refiner to undertake a maintenance, repair operations (MRO) warehouse optimisation programme at its crude oil refinery, located in Texas. The refinery, with a throughput of 128,000 bpd, has several main warehouse locations and multiple manned and unmanned satellite stores throughout the site.


The eight month project encompassed people, processes and technology, as well as a data analysis sampling of key inventory data to support the need for change.

As part of the client’s two year plan for business improvement, we implemented a maintenance repair optimisation (MRO) warehouse program for the client’s refining plant. The programme included process improvements to the maintenance and operations functions and any immediate opportunities.

The supply chain function was also included with an assessment of the key customers of the warehouse services. This was followed by the design of key programs with input from a core team to support the design, validation and roll-out of programmes. The core team, selected by the client, comprised personnel from key integration touch points, such as maintenance, HR, safety, IT and procurement.

The MRO warehouse optimisation project focused on key elements of the supply chain strategy, and the key deliverables included:

  • Review over $5,400,000 of inventory for slow moving materials that identified approximately $600,000 of inventory recommended for disposal
  • Documented MRO materials, inventory and warehouse control strategies and repeatable processes validated by the client
  • Development of process supporting tools including disposal cost tracker and decision making support tool and analysis tool
  • System updates to support automation process
  • KPIs and dashboard employed
  • Reports created for supply chain visibility
  • Customer interface to access KPIs and visibility reports
  • Cycle count hybrid programme and inventory audit programme designed
  • Root cause analysis training programme developed.

Based on findings of the MRO project, we estimated potential savings for slow moving and obsolete inventory at approximately US$1,050,000.

United States of America (USA)

Asset & Integrity Management, Facilities Management