
Surbana Jurong inks MOU with Vietnam’s Phu Long Real Estate

Surbana Jurong inks MOU with Vietnam’s Phu Long Real Estate

Mr Teo Eng Cheong (fifth from left), CEO International of SJ, presenting a bouquet to Mdm Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao, Chairman of Sovico Holdings, at the signing ceremony.

Surbana Jurong has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Phu Long Real Estate Joint-Stock Corporation (Phu Long) to collaborate on township and property development in Vietnam. Phu Long is a subsidiary of Sovico Holdings, one of Vietnam’s leading investment groups in the aviation, banking, finance, real estate and industrial sectors.

Surbana Jurong will provide expertise in the areas of master planning, design services, coastal engineering and project management to Phu Long’s projects.

The MOU was signed by Mr Teo Eng Cheong, Surbana Jurong’s CEO International (Singapore, North Asia, South-east Asia) and Mr Nguyen Thanh Quang, Phu Long’s Chairman. Speaking at the ceremony, Mr Teo said, “We are proud to be one of Phu Long’s strategic partners. Our local knowledge, coupled with global experience, allows us to assist Phu Long in achieving the goal as one of Vietnam’s largest property developers.”

The MOU signing ceremony was also attended by Mdm Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao, Chairman of Sovico Holdings, and Mr Nguyen Thanh Hung, Founding Chairman of Sovico Holdings. In her speech, Mdm Thao recalled the satisfactory 10-year cooperation between Phu Long and Surbana Jurong and hoped to see more of such collaborations with Surbana Jurong in the company’s plans for the future.

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